BN Papéis' history is highlighted in G1 SC


A benchmark for its sustainable performance and successful people management practices, BN Papéis is featured on the G1 Santa Catarina portal “SC that works”. The report interviewed the company’s founding director and brought important details about the organization’s history, the goals already achieved and the differentials that make the organization one of the best to work for in Brazil.
Check out the main sections of the article below:
Company Origin
“When he decided to start and found BN Papéis Especiais, Carlos Stein was 50 years old and almost 30 of them working in the area, but, despite the intellectual capital, the financial capital was much less than necessary for the installation of an industry. He obtained the necessary contribution after much insistence on the banks, giving even the house where his daughters lived as a guarantee.

What was not lacking, however, was confidence that it would work. Today, Benedito Novo’s company, whose name is a tribute to the city, has managed to increase sales in recent years, even during periods of economic crisis in the country, and in 2018 it is experiencing its best year, according to the founder. ”

Focus on people management
“What do people want? Be respected, valued, in the company, in the community, in the family itself ”, says Stein. Therefore, he states that the company seeks to provide opportunities that make this possible, such as the Fundamentando Sonhos program, for which he received last year the Santa Catarina for Education Award, from the Federation of Industries of Santa Catarina (Fiesc), in the medium-sized companies category.
The manager believes that “investing in people is profit”. In addition, as he comments, most remain in the company. He quotes a phrase he attributes to Henry Ford: “Worse than investing in people and they leave, is not investing and they stay in the company”.
Satisfaction with the company
Now with more than 70 years, Stein says he is satisfied with the business and has no prospect of retiring. On the contrary, he hopes to be at the head of the company for a long time: “Today we have no debt, we have working capital and a fantastic team working. The company is going and going very well, and I still intend to grow a lot with it”, concludes the businessman.
Access the full report on the G1 website:
